City of Evans
City Council Regular Meeting

City Council Chambers

An informational packet containing all agenda material is available for public inspection on our website at The agenda is posted on the bulletin board adjacent to the City Council Chambers.

It is the policy of the City of Evans that all programs and activities shall be accessible to, and usable by, persons with disabilities. Persons needing assistance shall contact the Safety & Risk Manager at the City of Evans by calling  (970) 475-1121. Please provide three to five business days advance notice so we can adequately meet your needs.

The City Council welcomes you here and thanks you for your time and concerns. If you wish to address the City Council, this is the time set on the agenda for you to do so. When you are recognized, please step to the podium, state your name and address then address City Council. Depending on the number of speakers on any given topic, your comments may be limited to two (2) minutes. The City Council may not respond to your comments this evening, rather they may take your comments and suggestions under advisement and your questions may be directed to the appropriate staff person for follow-up. Thank you!